9th-10th May 2012, we exposed some of our best 3D movies (some were also available in stereo 3D) and posters at the Labotec exposition that was organized in Basel, Switzerland.

March 2011, the movie we created for Prof. Volterra from the university of Lausanne was published on the main page of the online journal Cell Press Neuron as a complement to the paper "TNFAlpha Controls Glutamatergic Gliotransmission in the Hippocampal Dentate Gyrus" [authors: Mirko Santello, Paola Bezzi, Andrea Volterra].

March 2011, an article about new ways to cure Malaria was published on the EPFL News page. An image of the movie we did for Prof. Christian Doerig was used as an illustration.

January 2011, part of a clip we did for the Laboratory for Multiscale Modelling of Materials [LMMM - EPFL] was used by Nvidia in a pilot of a documentary series depicting how scientific discovery can be accelerated by combining theory and experimentation with computing to fight cancer, prevent heart attacks, and spur new advances in robotic surgery.

March 2010, parts of the clip we created on Tuberculosis were shown in a series of episodes sponsored by Lilly in the show "Le court du jour" on the "television suisse romande" (tsr1).

17th March 2010, our project for the Global Health Institute on Tuberculosis was shown during the inauguration speech by professor Stewart Cole.

March 2010, Visualbiotech becomes ScienceVisuals, the name change reflects a focused attention on the creation of visuals for science and scientific processes.

July 2009, Our neuron visualizations were used in a presentation done at the famous series of TED conferences.

The movie on Alzheimer's disease done for Prof. Patrick C. Fraering, heading the Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Biology of Alzheimer's Disease at EPFL, was presented in the show 36.9 on the "television suisse romande" (tsr1) on the 2nd September of 2009. The show can be seen in streaming on their website.

We did a art vernissage and intallation at the yearly "La nuit des bains" in Geneva on Thursday 14th May 2009, thanks to the Rezonance team for letting use their offices for the show.

We organized a special session called "Realtime visual analysis and visual communication of in-vivo and in-silico biology" during the 5th International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology, December 16-18th 2008, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates.

June 2008, Our visuals were used in a special report of the IEEE Spectrum magazine.

January 2008, Our neuron visualization is covering the front page of Seed magazine as well as being part of the accompagnying article.

December 2007, Our neurology visualizations are used in an article in Discover magazine.

November 2007, Our images are shown in prestigious MIT Technology Review.

November 2007, Our visualizations are aired in a show of Television Suisse Romande (video link). The video can be seen on YouTube.

March 2007, Our visualizations appear in 3sat nano, a German television show.

24th October 2006, BBC Horizon airs "Human v2.0" and we contributed videos. "Click here for a video link".

May 2006, Our images and videos were shown in IBM Research's Almaden Institute at the conference on cognitive computing. (video link, please watch at 35 min 10 seconds into the clip)

25-29th of April 2006, Barcelona, Spain. The Cajal Centenary Conference on the Cerebral Cortex. Our visualizations were used to show the link between neuroscience and art.